YoYotta builds

Check destination Tokens + Report settings, presets will need to be recreated. Check that the base token is included in the job destination path.

v4 (40)

YoYotta : Fix a bug that copied folders in the wrong order (since v4 (36))
YoYotta : Fix timecode durations in report summaries when working with multiple projects that have different frame rates

v4 (38)

YoYotta : Bug fixes
YoYotta : Fix crash adding destinations
YoYotta : Fix memory leaks
YoYotta Server : Additional S3 metadata tagging

v4 (35)

YoYotta Server : updated S3 SDK with upload improvements

v4 (34)

YoYotta : Enable thumbnails and transcoding for ARRIRAW HDE MXF clips
YoYotta Conform : Option to use a scratch drive to speed up trimming ARRIRAW MXF to a NAS. Enter the volume name of an SSD (not the Mac BOOT volume) into the Scratch Drive text field in the Conform panel. Note that you can add a volume to the internal Mac SSD drive using Disk Utility.

v4 (33)

YoYotta : New TOC job report format, all file paths and names in a txt file

v4 (32)

YoYotta : Fix crash when creating thumbnails for ARRI 35 clips

v4 (31)

YoYotta LTO Drives : Source/Destination filter available to show Drive or Tapes
YoYotta LTO Library : Fix bug unloading tapes to slots

v4 (30)

YoYotta : Improve quality of Sony XOCN thumbnails
YoYotta : Read correct duration for DJI Ronin 4D MOV clips

v4 (29)

YoYotta LTO Drives : Fix indexing bug which affected v4 (28)

v4 (28)

YoYotta : Latest ARRIRAW SDK 8.1.0
YoYotta Conform : Support for trimming Alexa 35 ARRIRAW MXF
YoYotta : Latest BMD SDK 3.6.1
YoYotta Conform : Support for trimming new BMD cameras
YoYotta : Add Location metadata to Source Browser and PDF reports
YoYotta LTO Drives : Show LTO drive and tape detail in popup panel
YoYotta LTO Drives + Library : Bug fixes
YoYotta Conform : Improve AAF parsing

v4 (26)

YoYotta : Latest RED R3D SDK, all RED cameras supported including V-RAPTOR
YoYotta : Latest Sony SDK, support for Sony Burano camera
YoYotta Conform : Support for trimming Sony Burano

v4 (25)

YoYotta LTO Library: Fix crash when moving tapes

v4 (23)

YoYotta : Include clip metadata in PDF reports even if thumbnails are disabled
YoYotta : Fix parsing of high frame rate ALE files

v4 (22)

YoYotta Conform : Fix trimming of ARRI MXF ProRes, clips will now load into Davinci Resolve
YoYotta : Ensure that new jobs created in the Source Browser have correct defaults
YoYotta LTO Library : Increase maximum slot count to 180

v4 (21)

YoYotta Conform : Fix metadata issue when running multiple ARRI MXF trim jobs in parallel

v4 (20)

YoYotta : Update to YoYotta LTFS framework

v4 (19)

YoYotta : macOS Sonoma support

v4 (18)

YoYotta LTO drives : Show tape drive firmware version in setup panel

v4 (17)

YoYotta : Decode metadata from FLAC audio files
YoYotta : Bug fixes

v4 (16)

YoYotta : Disable thumbnails option available on Source Browser Reports page and in Project Browser exports popup. When turned on there will not be any thumbnails in PDF job reports
YoYotta : Fix decoding Canon C70 metadata
YoYotta Library : Fix sort of slot table

v4 (11)

YoYotta : Fix bug affecting visibility of local collections in Project Browser.

v4 (10)

YoYotta : Fix bug parsing MD5 + MHL on 3rd party LTFS tapes

v4 (9)

YoYotta : New MD5 report option with path followed the pipe character then the checksum
YoYotta : Filter for video + audio files in Source + Project Browsers

v4 (8)

YoYotta : Support file ACL permissions when indexing
YoYotta Library : Support Dell tape libraries

v4 (6)

YoYotta : Parse ARRI MXF reel name

v4 (5)

YoYotta : Bug fix for Venice thumbnail generation

v4 (4)

YoYotta : Bug fix for Presets
YoYotta Conform : Trim FX6 Intra MXF clips

v4 (3)

YoYotta : Support for Codex ARRIRAW MXF HDE
YoYotta : Support for Sony Venice 2 2023 firmware
YoYotta Conform : Support for trimming Codex ARRIRAW MXF HDE

v4 (1)

YoYotta : Support for up to 8 LTO drives