YoYotta Support

Check the support pages linked below, which are updated frequently.
There are new videos on our YouTube channel to help you get started, please subscribe as we have more in the pipeline.
When stuck try searching using Google for YoYotta plus a keyword and this will usually locate our support page
YoYotta v4 is available, see the YouTube video for details. Contact support@yoyotta.com to trade in v3 licenses.

YoYotta YouTube channel

LTFS issues with macOS Ventura or Sonoma ?

YoYotta v4 has full support for the latest macOS versions.
YoYotta v4 includes a new LTFS framework with support for all LTO drives.
Open the LTFS panel and click Install when prompted.

If running v3 contact support@yoyotta.com to find out how to trade in your license for credit against a YoYotta v4 subscription.

YoYotta v3 licenses are no longer available

Existing YoYotta v3 licenses will not expire and email support is available. However there will be no further updates.

YoYotta v4 was released in April 2023 and is available on subscription
v3 licenses can be traded in for a discount against v4 subscriptions. Contact support@yoyotta.com for a quotation.

Download v3

Issues with missing LTO drives after updating macOS ?

All macOS versions since Big Sur will need software drivers for SAS and FibreChannel interface cards and Thunderbolt LTO drives.
Thunderbolt units have a SAS LTO drive inside, so they will need a SAS driver.

Installing ATTO drivers for LTO drives and libraries

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