YoYotta LTO Library options
Tape libraries are hardware units that contain one or more tape drives.
There are also slots inside to store LTO tapes and a robot arm to load and unload tapes.
So this makes it easier to create large archives and also restore media efficiently.
Put the tapes into a Dell, HPE, IBM, MagStor, Oracle SAS, Overland-Tandberg, Qualstar, Quantum,
Spectra, StorageTek or Symply Library and let YoYotta take control
The Library option supports one tape library
The Multi Library option supports up to four tape libraries connected to a single
Then add options to support up to eight LTO drives (any mix of standalone and library
The Multi Library option supports up to four tape libraries connected to a single Mac.
Then add options to support up to eight LTO drives (any mix of standalone and library drives)
YoYotta can be used with Apple Silicon Macs or Intel Macs.
macOS will need software drivers for SAS and FibreChannel
interface cards and Thunderbolt LTO drives.
Thunderbolt units have a SAS LTO drive inside, so they will need a SAS driver.

Library tapes and drives
YoYotta monitors the library for changes and shows all the loaded tapes on the left, the empty
slots on the right. The tape drives are shown at the bottom. There are buttons to manually move,
format, mount and eject tapes, but YoYotta will do all this automatically.
YoYotta Library
supports up to 180 tape slots. Both mail slots and ordinary slots can be used for tapes, so no
spaces are wasted.
However it can be quicker to open just the mail slot on a library so the Export button will
automatically move a tape into a mail slot.
When a tape is loaded into a drive, then the table will show a yellow status for that slot.
If a slot is unavailable then a red status will be shown in the table, check that the
library tape trays and mail slots are closed.
When LTO-9 tapes are loaded if a red status is shown then this indicates that the
tapes might not be initialised. YoYotta will not be able to use these tapes. Open the
Library webpage and run the Media Init process, this will load the new tapes into a drive
and run the initialisation process, which will take from 30 minutes up to 2 hours per tape.
The slot status will then be shown as green and the tapes can be used.
With multiple drives you can run multiple jobs at once, any mix of archive and restore.
If drives aren't available then YoYotta will queue the jobs until drives are available.
All tapes in the library must have a barcode label. Without this the library will not know which tape to load.
If NO BARCODE is shown then either the label is missing or it is unreadable.
Make sure that the full 6+2 barcode label is shown for each tape in the table. For
example here Slot 2 has a tape barcode YY8021 with L8 indicating LTO-8.
If only 6 characters are shown then adjust the barcode settings using the LTO library
For all libraries set left alignment for barcode labels and 8 character label length.
HPE Barcode Length Reported to Host : 8
IBM Barcode Length returned to Host : 8
Quantum Set Media Barcode Format : Plus Six
YoYotta supports up to eight LTO drives. However since LTO-7 tape drives have got a
lot faster and it’s hard for a single computer to provide enough bus bandwidth to keep 8
restores or 4 jobs writing to dual tape sets. This is a typical workflow for a 8 drive
library and is before looking at NAS/SAN speed. So often it makes sense to partition a
larger library and then connect two or more YoYotta systems. Splitting up the workflow like
this maintains high performance. Use YoYotta Server to sync the metadata from each Mac.

Multi LTO Library option
The Multi library option supports up to four tape libraries connected to a single Mac.
Here there are two dual drive LTO-5 libraries, a dual drive LTO-8 library and two
standalone tape drives.
Great for migrating tapes. The Multi option also supports up to 500 tape slots per
library for those large restore jobs.
Another use case is connecting multiple 1U single tape drive libraries and using
them as different destinations for one or more jobs. Allowing main and safety copies
to be created in parallel.

LTO tapes
All tapes must have barcode labels
The labels have a unique 6 character code with either L5, L6, L7, M8, L8 or L9 on the end
for LTO-5, LTO-6, LTO-7, LTO-8 or LTO-9 tapes. For example 123456L5, ABCDEFL6, YO1234L6,
YoYotta will use the barcode to format the tape. No need to manually enter the
barcode. This is an LTO standard, using more than 6 characters means that the tapes will be
difficult to use.

Select the tapes needed for the archive
In this example we have a two drive library and need two copies. So select a main and safety tape and click Add COPY #1,2.

Start the archive
Blank tapes will automatically be formatted with the correct barcode, saving time.
YoYotta constantly monitors the usage of the tape drives, each job will be sent to
drives with the least usage. This means no drive gets used more than others, prolonging
drive head life.

LTO + Asset Metadata
After the archive completes snapshots + metadata for the archived assets will be stored in the Project Browser.
Then Restore files using the Project Browser
Or use the Conform option to restore clips from archive using editorial timeline AAF, ALE, CSV, EDL or FCPXML files

Append more tapes for larger archives
Use all the library slots including mailslots as destinations. Make sure you append them to COPY #1. This will make a single copy that is spanned across multiple tapes.
If using a two drive library and making two copies in parallel, then also append enough tapes to COPY #2.
Tapes can be put into any slot, no need for a particular order inside the library.

Spanning larger archives across tapes
Tapes will only be used if needed and they will be loaded and formatted automatically (if
blank) then mounted. No need to open the LTFS panel.
Always append one or two extra tapes to the job, if they are not needed they they won't be
formatted or mounted and they can be used for another job.
On completion the Project Browser will show which files are on each tape.
When running a spanned archive Quick Verify should be turned off.
The maximum size of a spanned job is limited to the number of slots (including
mailslots) in the library. Do not remove any tapes used in the job until it is finished.

Connecting a library to a Mac
Drives for libraries are available with SAS or Fibre Channel interfaces.
Use SAS libraries, they are cheaper, they use more durable cables, there is no
configuration and SAS gives the same performance.
To connect a SAS or FC LTO drive to the new MacPro use the
ATTO ExpressSAS H680, H1280 or H1280GT PCIe cards from ATTO.
H644 and H608 cards can also be used, but ensure they have the correct SAS connectors for
your drive.
Each SAS connector can control up to four SAS drives using a SFF8088 to 4x SFF8088 cable.
See this link for more details on
the ATTO.
To connect a Thunderbolt Mac to a SAS LTO library use an ATTO H680, H1280 or H1280GT card
inside a Thunderbolt PCIe expansion unit, like the Sonnet Echo Express SEL.
The Sonnet Echo Express SEL is a compact Thunderbolt enclosure that holds a PCIe card like the ATTO SAS cards.
A Thunderbolt enclosure holds one or more PCIe cards. Use this to connect to a desktop SAS LTO drive or tape library.
It is not possible to set the Oracle SL150 control path to use a FC drive. To use it with macOS, there has to be at least one SAS drive in this library and use this as the control path.

HPE MSL Libraries
The YoYotta Library option supports HPE StoreEver 1/8, MSL2024, MSL3040, MSL4048, MSL6480, MSL8096

IBM TS Libraries
The YoYotta Library option supports IBM TS2900, TS3100, TS3200, TS4300

MagStor Libraries
The YoYotta Library option supports all MagStor tape libraries including the M1000, M2000, M3000 and the PetaByte Machine M3280
MagStor can also provide support and parts for other makes of tape libraries.
We purchased a MagStor M2000 tape library over four years ago for the YoYotta Lab, it's working well and has archived
many petabytes of data.

Overland-Tandberg Libraries
The YoYotta Library option supports NEO StorageLoader, T24, xl40 and xl80
Overland-Tandberg have closed and are no longer providing support for their tape drives and tape libraries.
Support and spare parts including new library drives can be purchased from MagStor.
There is more information here about MagStor's support for Overland Tandberg users

Qualstar Libraries
The YoYotta Library option supports Q8, Q24, Q40, Q48 and Q80 tape libraries

Quantum Libraries
The YoYotta Library option supports Quantum i3, i6, SuperLoader 3, i40, i80 and i500

Spectra Libraries
The YoYotta Library option supports Spectra Stack, T50e and T120