Quick Start

First install macFuse.
Then install Apple Pro Video Formats 2.2.5 or newer.
If using an LTO tape drive then you will need to Install SAS drivers or Install FC drivers.

Download YoYotta and install a license.
Download v4 Install License

If using an LTO drive or library click the LTFS button and YoYotta will check and download the LTFS framework.
Then click the at the bottom of the YoYotta interface to step through the main parts of the interface.

1 : Create a project and add a source

Create or open a Project and click + above the job table to add a drive or folder as a new job. Or drag a folder from the Finder into the Job table.
To check the source contents click the folder icon above the Job table to open the Source Browser.

Read about Creating and opening Projects
Read about Adding sources and the Source Browser

2 : Add a destination

Click + above the destination table to add destination drives or folders. Or drag a folder from the Finder into the Destination table.
Select more drives to make copies in parallel.

If using a standalone tape drive then format the destination tape first.
If using the YoYotta Library option with an LTO library then load blank barcoded tapes which will be formatted automatically.

Read about Formatting LTFS tapes
Read about Adding destinations

3 : Paths and reports

YoYotta can create custom paths that include the project name, date and many other items.
YoYotta will always create a PDF report when the job is copied and verified.
Also ALE, CSV, MD5 and MHL reports can be created.

Read about Paths and reports

4 : Start the job

Job progress, copy and verify speeds and estimated completion will be shown.

5 : Project Browser

On completion snapshots of files copied along with metadata will be stored in the Project Browser.
The snapshots will be found in the Project Browser and can be navigated even if the media is offline.

Read about Restoring using the Project Browser

6 : Job completed

Read about Log + debug information

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