Open a project
Log into YoYotta Server and open a project, then select Labels in the sidebar.
On the left of the page there is a table showing all the project Labels.
In the table toolbar choose the required label template from the first dropdown control.
Two common LTO label templates are EDP or NetC.
These are both for US Letter sized sheets of pre-cut labels.
Click the plus button in the toolbar to create a new set of labels.

Create a set of labels
Label Type
Choose the correct LTO tape generation, for example LTO-8.
Label Quantity
Enter the quantity of labels required.
Note that the quantity of labels will have to be even if a Two Sets Mode is selected.
So to reprint a single label choose a One Set Mode.
Label Mode
If the project needs main and safety tape copies, then choose one of the Two Sets modes.
For a single tape copy select a One Set mode.
Label Prefix
The label prefix consists of one to four fixed characters that appear at the start of every label.
If the label is all numbers then the prefix can be left blank.
To move to the Label Start type the Tab key.
To move backwards type the Backspace key.
Label Start
This is the variable part of the label. The numbers or letters increment automatically.
Label Note
The note text can be used to identify a set of labels. The note text will appear on the exported PDF.
When everything is set correctly the Preview panel will show the first and last labels on the first sheet.
Click the buttons in the Preview titlebar to move through the pages of labels.
Then click the OK button.
Export the labels to PDF
The labels will appear in the table. To create more labels that follow on, select the last labels and click +.
Now click the PDF button and then click OK.
This will export all the labels to a multi page PDF.
If not all the lables are needed right now adjust the exported From and To pages in the PDF dialog.
Print the PDF
Load the correct paper into the printer and print the PDF.
Make sure that the print dialog scaling is 100%.
If using a Mac to print it's a good idea to default the print scaling to 100%.
To do this open the terminal and paste in this command.
defaults write PVImagePrintingScaleMode -bool false
Export multiple labels to single PDF
Each LTO label sheet can only be put in the printer once.
These sheets contain 20 labels. Only 2 labels were needed today but it makes sense to create 18 extra labels to fill up the sheet.
Hold the cmd key and click the labels in the order that they need to appear on the exported PDF.
Then click the PDF button to export a PDF.
Click All Projects in the cog menu to show labels for all projects.
This makes it easy to export a single PDF that includes labels for multiple projects.
Multiple sets of labels
The PDF contains all the labels, note that there can be a mix of different label types and modes.